
Value Capture at the Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit 2022

Written by Mark Graban | June 7, 2022

Will you be at the Lean Healthcare Transformation, hosted by Catalysis, this week? A large group of us from Value Capture will be there, so we hope we can say hello and get to know you!


Before the main Summit starts, Value Capture people will be teaching pre-conference workshops.

Bill Boyd, our chief operating officer, will be teaching his workshop titled "Kata: A Pattern for Continuous Improvement and Coaching in Healthcare." 

Value Capture CEO Ken Segel will be facilitating the "Discover Excellence" workshop that's part of the Shingo Workshop series

Senior advisors Jill Menzel and Mike Radtke will be teaching a workshop called "Problem Solving Coaching: How to Avoid the Plan-Do-Study-Abandon Cycle."

Main Summit

For the main days and for Friday's "go and see" trips, we'll be attending, listening, learning, and networking. We love talking with people, such as those attending the Summit, who feel a sense of alignment our mission, vision, and values.

We'll have some free paperback copies of our publication, A Playbook for Habitual Excellence: A Leader’s Roadmap from the Life and Work of Paul H. O’Neill Sr. to give away.

We'll be sharing some of the highlights, key points, and lessons learned via social media posts (Twitter and LinkedIn) and here via the blog. 

What are you hoping to learn? What did you learn? What do you plan on doing when you get back to your organization? Post a comment and let us know.