Free book through Dec. 15 (2)


Happy Birthday, Mr. O'Neill!

We commemorated the birthday of Paul H. O'Neill, Sr. (December 4, 1935 – April 18, 2020) with a giveaway that shares messages and ideas that were important to him -- and important to all of us at Value Capture.

The contest is now over. Scroll down to learn how to get a free Kindle book through December 15th.


Get a Free Kindle Book

Congrats to our contest winners, Anthony, Kevin, and Meghan!

Starting today, December 11th, everybody can get a FREE Kindle copy of our publication, A Playbook for Habitual Excellence: A Leader's Roadmap From the Life and Work of Paul H. O'Neill, Sr

Please share the free book offer with your friends and colleagues. It's available now through December 15th.


On Amazon's website, look for "Buy now" and not the "Kindle Unlimited" offer. Note: You cannot "buy" the free book through Amazon iOS apps, you must use their website.

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Also, if you'd like, you can purchase a "ZERO" hat to benefit the Patient Safety Movement Foundation.