Samuel Ashby, Legacy Health, on Fostering a Resilient Culture in Healthcare
Samuel Ashby, Legacy Health, on Fostering a Resilient Culture in Healthcare
August 9, 2021

Listen: Scroll down for a transcript, video, how to subscribe, and more Notes: Welcome to Episode #48 of Habitual Excell...

Highlights from “Fixing Healthcare from the Inside” Webinar
Highlights from “Fixing Healthcare from the Inside” Webinar
August 2, 2021

Value Capture Senior Advisor Vickie Pisowicz recently joined Dr. Steve Spear, Senior Lecturer at MIT's Sloan School of M...

Creating a Lean Management System Overview
Creating a Lean Management System Overview
July 27, 2021

Please join Catalysis for this virtual workshop, August 17 from 9am-12pm CT and Wednesday, August 18 from 9am-12pm CT. M...

Closing Gaps in Care for LGBTQIA+ Patients Through Lean Principles
Closing Gaps in Care for LGBTQIA+ Patients Through Lean Principles
July 23, 2021

As I blogged about last month, we all (including healthcare organizations) need to treat EVERYBODY with dignity and resp...

Highlights of “Create Constancy of Purpose” Shingo Principle Video
Highlights of “Create Constancy of Purpose” Shingo Principle Video
July 19, 2021

As a Licensed Affiliate of the Shingo Institute, Value Capture has taught the Shingo Model framework and Guiding Princip...

Fixing Healthcare from the Inside [Webinar, July 22]
Fixing Healthcare from the Inside [Webinar, July 22]
July 15, 2021

Join Dr. Steve Spear and Value Capture Senior Advisor Vickie Pisowicz, July 22, 2021, 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. EDT, for “Fixing H...

Ken Segel on the Shingo Principle of "Create Constancy of Purpose"
Ken Segel on the Shingo Principle of "Create Constancy of Purpose"
July 12, 2021

Listen: Scroll down for a transcript, video, how to subscribe, and more Notes: Welcome to Episode #46 of Habitual Excell...