Our Blog
The Value Capture Blog
Highlights From Our First Webinar: Pancake Syrup and Raking Leaves as a Path to Safety and Quality
May 27, 2021Michael Bundy will be a presenter at "Leading with Safety: Accelerating towards Habitual Excellence," the intensive semi...
Would You Ever Post a Psychological Safety Cross?
May 25, 2021Many hospitals have adopted a practice that most likely started in manufacturing. On their huddle boards, or team metric...
Hospital CEO Mike Bundy Previews His Upcoming Webinar on Habitual Excellence and Safety
May 25, 2021Listen: Scroll down for video, a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Notes: Welcome to this bonus episode of Habitual...
Psychological Safety Means It's Safe to Ask for Help When You're Unsure
May 20, 2021Our definition of a phrase that's very important to us starts with: Psychological safety is “the belief that the environ...
Ken Segel on Hospital Command Centers and an Upcoming Webinar We're Hosting
May 16, 2021Listen: Scroll down for a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Notes: Welcome to Episode #42 of Habitual Excellence, p...
Hospital Command Centers: Keep What's Best and Improve the Rest
May 6, 2021Your Crisis Operations System Works Because It Breaks Through What Doesn’t Work in Normal Operations. Now Make It Sustai...
Dan Varnum on Developing People as Leaders in Healthcare
May 3, 2021Listen: Scroll down for video, a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Notes: Welcome to Episode #41 of Habitual Excell...
The Value Capture Team Reflects on Paul O’Neill, Sr.
April 23, 2021April 18, 2021 marked the first year since cancer took Paul O’Neill, Sr. The Value Capture team came together the Friday...
Seek Perfection (May 18, 2021, Shingo Annual Conference)
April 21, 2021Please join Helen Zak as she moderates a discussion on "Seek Perfection," during the 2021 Shingo Annual Conference. To l...
Paul O'Neill, Jr. Reflects on His Father — The First Anniversary of His Passing
April 18, 2021Listen: Scroll down for video, a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Notes: Welcome to Episode #40 of Habitual Excell...