Dan Varnum on Developing People as Leaders in Healthcare
Dan Varnum on Developing People as Leaders in Healthcare
May 3, 2021

Listen: Scroll down for video, a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Notes: Welcome to Episode #41 of Habitual Excell...

What Can Leaders Learn? What Can Leaders Do?
What Can Leaders Learn? What Can Leaders Do?
April 29, 2020

Health Care Wasn’t Safe For Patients or Caregivers Before COVID-19 For years before COVID-19, our industry accounted for...

Paul O'Neill and His Playbook for Habitual Excellence [Video]
Paul O'Neill and His Playbook for Habitual Excellence [Video]
April 22, 2020

Recently, I went for a brisk 50-minute walk on a sunny morning and my companion was the voice of the late Paul O'Neill a...