Paul O'Neill (3)
Revisiting an Interview of Paul O'Neill, Sr. From 2011
June 28, 2021Listen: Scroll down for a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Notes: Welcome to Episode #45 of Habitual Excellence, p...
Treating EVERYBODY with Dignity and Respect, During Pride Month and Beyond
June 21, 2021During the month of June, now known and recognized as “Pride Month,” it’s important to step back to reflect on whether o...
Dan Varnum on Developing People as Leaders in Healthcare
May 3, 2021Listen: Scroll down for video, a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Notes: Welcome to Episode #41 of Habitual Excell...
The Value Capture Team Reflects on Paul O’Neill, Sr.
April 23, 2021April 18, 2021 marked the first year since cancer took Paul O’Neill, Sr. The Value Capture team came together the Friday...
Paul O'Neill, Jr. Reflects on His Father — The First Anniversary of His Passing
April 18, 2021Listen: Scroll down for video, a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Notes: Welcome to Episode #40 of Habitual Excell...
Dr. David Mayer: A Moon Shot for Zero Patient Harm
March 8, 2021Listen: Scroll down for a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Welcome to Episode #37 of Habitual Excellence, presente...
Why CSI Winona is a Powerful Method for Improvement: Rachelle Schultz
February 22, 2021Listen: Scroll down for a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Welcome to Episode #36 of Habitual Excellence, presente...
Leah Binder: Covid, Patient Safety, and a New Focus on Nursing Homes
February 8, 2021Listen: Scroll down for a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Welcome to Episode #35 of Habitual Excellence, presente...
Shana Padgett & Ken Segel on the Shingo Model and an Upcoming Virtual Workshop
February 1, 2021Listen: Scroll down for a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Welcome to Episode #34 of Habitual Excellence, presente...
Dr. Lucy Xenophon & Arthur Gianelli, Covid and Vaccination Lessons From New York
January 25, 2021Listen: Scroll down for a transcript, how to subscribe, and more Welcome to Episode #33 of Habitual Excellence, presente...