Pictured are Value Capture principals Paul O’Neill Jr., Hayley Brugos and Ken Segel on December 9th, having just delivered a well-attended seminar on how to free up senior leadership & management time to support front-line improvement at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s 27th Annual National Forum in Orlando.
Successful Lean transformation requires structured, focused time from leaders, which in most institutions feels like scarce currency. But leaders and managers can find several hours a day to spend "where the work is done" to help coach and clear barriers. This session provided an overview of a disciplined facilitation process to help senior teams self-assess every standing meeting and whether it is value-added, necessary in the current state but not value-added, or pure waste. The idea is that you can then replicate the process at each layer of leadership in your organization.
The seminar highlighted the case study of one leading Lean health system that used the process to free up 2,250 hours per year of Senior Leadership Team time to deploy closer to where value is created, and more than 2,600 hours for other leaders. Once time savings like this are captured, building Lean into the way everyone works, including leaders, seems much more possible.
For a copy of the seminar slides, or to discuss how Value Capture can help you and your executive team create thousands of hours of more value-added time, please contact Ken Segel, Managing Director, at ksegel@valuecapturellc.com or 412-445-0024.

Written by Value Capture
Value Capture supports chief executives who seek to transform the performance of their healthcare organization in safety, quality and profitability.
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