Value Capture is so pleased to welcome Gerald Harris, who joins as a Senior Advisor.
Gerald has over 25 years of leadership experience in the delivery of successful large-scale lean transformations across a broad range of industries and companies, including more than a decade focused on healthcare. For the past 14 years, Gerald served as Executive Director for Simpler North America, where he was responsible for sales for the eastern half of the United States. During his time at Simpler, Gerald was instrumental in client launches and Executive Coaching for most of Simpler’s largest clients.
“I am so pleased to be part of the team at Value Capture,” Gerald said.
“Each member of this group is dedicated to the proposition that healthcare can be greatly improved to world-leading status. I am energized by the Paul O’Neill principles-based framework of theoretical-limit thinking and perfect safety for all, leaders taking responsibility for all that goes wrong in their organization, developing a learning culture throughout health systems, and at the foundation of it all, respect for every individual. I look forward to contributing to this team and the success of Value Capture.”
Gerald will leverage his networks and business development expertise to help establish new Value Capture partnerships with healthcare leaders who seek to improve their own performance and provide their workforce with the systems, support and understanding to achieve habitual excellence.
Helen Zak, Senior Advisor of Partnerships, said:
“I’ve known Gerald for many years, and I have true respect not only for his lean expertise and achievements but also his deeply rooted values and drive to help others achieve their goals to continuously improve and deliver greater and greater value to patients.”
Welcome, Gerald!

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