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Episode Synopsis:
Welcome to Episode #62 of Habitual Excellence, presented by Value Capture.
Joining us today as our guest is Vickie Pisowicz, from Value Capture. She has been a Senior Advisor with the firm and its clients and she also has a new role that we'll talk about today, as Director of the Value Capture Way and Advisory Development.
In today's episode, Vickie talks about the role, what it means to have a "way" and what the "Value Capture Way" entails.
Host Mark Graban also asks Vickie questions and discusses topics including:
- What is the Value Capture Way? Codifying that?
- Values and principles are long standing, methods can improve… codifying doesn’t mean fossilizing
- Advisory - advisors or trusted advisors vs. consultants -- What do those terms mean to you?
- What will this mean for clients, both current and future?
- Learning at the fastest possible rate, meeting their needs
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Mark Graban (2s):
Welcome to Habitual Excellence presented by Value Capture. This podcast and our firm is all about helping you and your organization achieve habitual excellence via a one unifying focus, one value based structure and one performance system. In other words, it's about helping you capture dramatically more value through achieving perfect care and perfect to safety for patients and staff. To learn more about Value Capture and our services visit Hi everybody. Welcome to Habitual Excellence presented by Value Capture. I'm Mark Graban, and we're joined today by my colleague Vickie Pisowicz.
Mark Graban (44s):
She is both a senior advisor working with clients, and she also has a new role as the Director of the Value Capture Way and Advisory Development. So we're going to talk about that role and some of the things behind that, Vickie. Thanks for joining us today,
Vickie Pisowicz (1m 1s):
Mark. Thanks for having me. So
Mark Graban (1m 1s):
Tell us about this new role then, you know, there's two parts of it, director of the Value Capture Way and advisory development.
Vickie Pisowicz (1m 7s):
Sure. Well, let me start. It really starts with how we add Value Capture, best support our healthcare partners that we work with in advancing their missions in supporting health and medical care for patients. So I'm really excited about this role in particular because it's directly supporting and collaborating with our Value Capture team members to systematize our learning and people development systems. So that's both internally and with our client connections so that we can rigorously in a, in a very disciplined way, capture codify in continuously improve our best thinking methods, effectiveness that can result in sustainable breakthrough results for our partners.
Vickie Pisowicz (2m 0s):
Now, Value Capture's mission, as we know is to partner with healthcare executives in capturing value, which is grounded in producing perfect health, right, by engaging everyone every day in systems thinking in the pursuit of zero harm, weight, or waste in the system. So as we know in healthcare, you know, healthcare is which undoubtably touches every one of us and in some way, or another remains challenged in unprecedented ways, given the pandemic and in particular, our healthcare workers who are truly heroes continue to serve in these broken systems.
Vickie Pisowicz (2m 47s):
So right now our goal and our challenge and Value Capture is to put into place and continue to improve the infrastructure and processes that enable the fastest learning possible, right, for both our advisors and our organization collectively in capturing and transferring innovations and a two way direction that best serves our clients. And so very specifically, this requires us to make our best thinking, very simple, to codify it in standards and a standard approach have apply and test those standards with rapid feedback and adjust and improve quickly so that we can share those learnings in the broadest way in real time.
Vickie Pisowicz (3m 45s):
So basically we're putting on steroids, the scientific method and the PDSA processes that are foundational for organizational excellence. So this role is in supporting and making those learnings explicit to help our advisors and our clients in the field. And one other thing worth really mentioning here in terms of the opportunity here for Value Capture is that Value Capture has grown in the recently with just an incredible number of highly skilled and experienced advisors. And so we want to be able to really quickly capture, incorporate in our current standards, new the new and improved ways and thinking and approaches that come with our new team members.
Vickie Pisowicz (4m 35s):
So we're rethinking and improving how we think about onboarding, how we leverage and test new ideas with our clients, how we think more explicitly about mentoring and apprenticeship learning as a two way process. And of course, you know, we continue to hold fast to the ideas that all of this is carried out most effectively in the gemba. So like where the work is done and were problems and improvements exists. And so we're really focused on making those learning loops that our clinical sites more explicit.
Vickie Pisowicz (5m 15s):
And so that really involves how we continue to improve our <em></em> thinking while we're incorporating everybody's different ideas. So as we continue to define and develop these, these learning processes, it's really a win-win hopefully our clients will benefit from our integration, integrating these ideas and transferring them quickly. And our team members can benefit through their continual learning and development in the process as well.
Mark Graban (5m 51s):
Well, thanks. Maybe I could ask you to elaborate on, you know, what it means to you to have a way I think with a capital w you know, we think of people in this audience might think first of the Toyota way, a set of principles that were codified by Toyota. I think it was the 2001 document. And then Jeff Liker published, you know, the, the, the seminal book on the Toyota Way. W how would you describe a Value Capture Way, you know, first off again, like, what does it mean to have a way and what is our way?
Vickie Pisowicz (6m 32s):
Yeah, thank you for the question. That's a great question. We do have a Value Capture Way, which represents our best thinking. It's really the holistic approach. Like Toyota's set up philosophy management, leadership models, and technology that, that holistic approach to supporting healthcare organizations to achieve sustainable breakthrough results by creating the conditions for organizational excellence, really by creating the learning organization. So the Value Capture Way talks about what makes, what makes that up, how we've, how what's our best standards and thoughts around that.
Vickie Pisowicz (7m 18s):
And then how do we think about implementing it and building it in, in a continuous way? So, for me, it really starts with the set of values. It includes the leadership framework, and then the approach to systems thinking that enables the full potential of everyone to better serve clients to better serve needs. And one another. So from a values perspective for me, Paul O'Neill, many for many of you, many of you who you knew know Paul O'Neill, believe that truly great organizations could answer yes to the following three questions.
Vickie Pisowicz (7m 58s):
And so the first question is, am I treated with dignity and respect by every person I encounter without regard to race, gender educational attainment rank, or any other distinguishing feature. So really embedding the idea of mutual trust and dignity and respect into the organization. The second values question is, am I given the tools and resources and encouragement to make a contribution to the organization that adds meaning to my life? And that's the second part is the important part that actually gives meaning to, or adds meaning to what you're doing and how you're spending your time.
Vickie Pisowicz (8m 43s):
And the third, the third question around am I recognized for the contribution by someone whose opinion matters to me, so this idea of recognition and that it happens on a regular basis in a meaningful way. And so from a Value Capture Way, these represent them the values piece of the equation in a, in a simplified way. I think in addition to that, when we talked about the leadership model, it's a framework Value Capture has a leadership framework where the leader plays in it, a unique role in enabling the conditions for learning and continuous improvement by everyone.
Vickie Pisowicz (9m 25s):
And we literally mean every single person in the, in the organization. And so this is done by establishing unarguable values based aspirational goal that is set at perfection or what we call the theoretical limit, like pursuing zero harm. And that really enables them everyone in the organization, no matter where you are to connect to that and to begin to engage in your own way, in your own areas, in localized problem, solving and innovation.
Vickie Pisowicz (10m 9s):
And so connected to that idea is then how do you think about broader systems improvements and learning and learning from everything gone wrong? And so there are a couple ideas that are associated with how, you know, we think about the leader's role and accepting responsibility for everything gone wrong, creating the environment where everybody in the organization who learned every day from individual incidences that do happen in a root cause way, and being able to spread that information and learning transparently so that it would never happen anywhere else in the organization and making you know, that information not only transparent, but from a leadership perspective, taking away the, all the barriers and excuses.
Vickie Pisowicz (11m 2s):
So that's the kind of the leadership model piece of it. And then the third piece around the technology is how do we think about the technology of organization wide ability to see systems and how they perform and how they're currently meeting needs, or for improvement, we call that developing our eyes to see, and that methodology is derived from the principles of the Toyota production system and the Shingo model specifically. So that's kind of the technology piece of it. And then, you know, couple with our Value Capture Way is our Value Capture roadmap, which walks through a set of steps that any organization can take from the self-assessment to creating a culture that engages everyone to developing, you know, what we call an executive learning lab or a model line where you can test some of those, those ideas.
Vickie Pisowicz (12m 6s):
And so much like Toyota, we have the same management, tech, leadership, and technology, and that's a long answer to get to, you know, part of this role then is how we continually improve and adapt that to be more efficient and to be simpler, to be easier, to be more efficient in ways that we can really capture innovations quickly and share them with everybody and in our network.
Mark Graban (12m 34s):
Yeah. So what I hear you saying, I mean, a little bit of a recap, I think key points, values and principles are pretty rock solid and lasting where methods are the things that can improve. So when you talk about the, the learning and the continuous improvement, as you touched on codifying doesn't mean fossilizing right, which is documenting what we have today, open for improvement, built on those more consistent and lasting values and principles.
Vickie Pisowicz (13m 8s):
Yeah. This is a, that's a very important point because it's, it's like standard work in that our methods are the best known way. We know how to do it now. And in the pursuit of excellence, there's always a way to improve. And there's always going to be more value and more ease in helping, you know, our customers and our, in the patients, in the, in folks do that better. And so the standard and codified yet is important, but equally important is the process of improvement that goes with that. And it's how we learn how we understand what to improve.
Vickie Pisowicz (13m 52s):
And then how do we have the ability to try that out and test it really quickly? And so the learning system includes both our best known way to do it and the process of how to improve it as well. And we want to continually challenge ourselves to get better and crisper at that, at that process. And I think that's probably one of the fundamental, you know, the pieces of, of this particular opportunity.
Mark Graban (14m 20s):
Yeah. So, you know, we've touched on this idea of the Value Capture Way and thank you for that introduction and overview of what that means to you, Vickie, the second part of your title, when you talk about advisory development, maybe it's just one other question for you here. Like, you know, Value Capture. We tend to use the word advisers. We aim to be trusted advisors. We, I don't think we ever used the word consultant. I'm just curious to you Vickie, even just personally, what, what's the distinction between those words, advisor consultant? Why is that meaningful?
Vickie Pisowicz (14m 58s):
Yeah, and I think the idea of trusted advisor has an important connotation to it, as part of our vision and Value Capture is really to partner with healthcare executives and organizations and team members out in the field. And so part of that is, is how we collaborate on problem solving together. And that can be a very specific problem of how is this patient not getting what they need to the strategic problem that a CEO or a leader faces. And so how do we think about our values and our principles and our methods in a way that we can collaborate together on solving these problems to have, to, to be able to effectively create more value and get to a better place.
Vickie Pisowicz (15m 51s):
And so advisor is different than a consultant. A consultant may come in and say, here's our problem, here are the things that you need to do. As an advisor, we're collaborating on understanding what the need is, and then being able to think about what's the underlying capability that's needed to help frame what's possible, and how to think about making those solutions in a way that you're not just solving this particular problem, but you're building the underlying capability to solve the next problem, even though it may look really different, but using the same principles.
Mark Graban (16m 33s):
Well, Vickie, thank you for being here with us today and for sharing a little bit more about your new role building upon being a senior advisor, a trusted advisor to Value Capture clients, to work on this new role, director of the Value Capture Way and advisory development. So we'll put a link. If you want to learn more about Vickie and her background, there'll be a link to her Value Capture profile in the show notes. For this episode, I'm looking forward to sort of taking that articulation of the Value Capture Way and sharing more of that on the website and in different ways for, for people as, as this year progresses.
Mark Graban (17m 16s):
So again, we've been joined by Vickie Pisowicz from Value Capture. Thanks. Thanks so much for being a guest.
Vickie Pisowicz (17m 24s):
Thank you, Mark.
Mark Graban (17m 26s):
Thanks for listening to habitual excellence presented by Value Capture. We hope you'll subscribe to the podcast and please also rate and review it in your favorite podcast, directory or app. To learn more about Value Capture and how we can help you on this journey to habitual excellence. Visit our website

Written by Mark Graban
Mark Graban has served healthcare clients since 2005. Mark is internationally recognized as a leading author and speaker on Lean healthcare. His latest book is "The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation."
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